The Amusement and Adventure Institute (AAI) is an education-driven non-profit organization dedicated to elevating trampoline and adventure parks through traditional and online training, publications, and certification programs that measure proficiency in operations, safety, and risk management.
Our mission is to serve the trampoline and adventure Park industry by facilitating the development and management of educational programs, remote learning courses, educational newsletters, training manuals or other materials to include, but not limited to, operational safety, risk management, and certification programs for owners, operators, staff, inspectors, management, and others associated with trampoline and adventure parks worldwide.
To evaluate the state of the industry as it applies to optimal safety and customer care, patron education, and all other aspects of a safe operation of trampoline and adventure parks.
To facilitate ongoing research and evaluate industry standards in order to modify and adapt educational services and goods offered.
If you are a park located in the UK and you would like to take our UK Only Court Monitoring Course for just $25, click here. For our US parks, you can click here to take the Trampoline Court Inspection Training Course - Level 1 (ASTM based F2970) online.