Early Breeze Bargain Rate Only Lasts Through April 30th.
Conference registration includes access to exhibit floor, educational sessions, and provided meals.
Trampoline Inspection Training Course - Level 1 includes all the above as well as the in-person training courses, off-site inspection location, and exam. Registrants for this course must pre-purchase the ASTM Standard F2970. Click here to purchase.
Registration Notes:
1. Click the Register button.
2. If a member, enter the Bundle Coordinator's (main contact) email address associated with your membership. *Contact if you need assistance.
3. Choose your registration.
4. On the next page, fill in your contact information and make your selections from the options listed.
5. GUEST REGISTRATION - if you are registering additional guests to attend, click Add Guest on the bottom left, and complete contact information for your 1st guest. Then click Done. You can then add additional guests by repeating these steps for each guest registration.
All registration levels include entrance to the IATP Annual Conference & Trade Show, including educational workshops, the Meet & Greet Reception, and provided meals.
If you have any questions, please contact Alexis Kierce, Director of Meetings & Member Services at or (717) 910-4534 ext. 105.